Being in close quarters with other addicts and alcoholics can be hard sometimes.  There is definitely no lack of strong personalities and character defects running rampant when you get a bunch of sick people together.  It can bring about frustration, anger, and a feeling of lack of control.


So, what do we do when get overwhelmed, or angry towards people specifically acting in ways in which disagree or in ways that arise anger or jealousy within us?  We take a deep breath and remember why we are here.  The traditions remind us that we are here for a common purpose, and that we need to put personalities aside and focus on the reason why we are here.  No one of us is better than anyone else, or more deserving of sobriety than our fellows.


Anger and frustration may be warranted and may be valid in some situations.  However, we have to take a look at what is really important.  We can learn a lot from other people and experiences which may not always be the most pleasant for us.  When we can remove our egos from particular circumstances, the outcome can be truly beneficial and show us ways in which we can grow to be more useful to our fellow AAs and be a productive member of the program that has already given us so much.

The next time we are faced with feelings that incline us to raise our voices or storm out, we must remember that there is a greater good we are a part of.  When we learn from these experiences and embrace the discomfort we face, we can truly grow from there.