In this post I will discuss group counseling with regards to a group composed of adults with a substance condition. I will discuss the group type and where the members will come from. I will discuss why I chose to select the group that I did. I will discuss the member population type and number of participants in the group. I will also discuss the session structure and the goals of the group.

Group Type – Adults with a Substance Abuse Condition

            The group that I plan to facilitate will consist of adults with a substance abuse condition. The members of this group will typically be adults referred from treatment centers. After going to treatment for 30-120 days, group counseling will be the next step in the recovery process. An open group is one where new members are welcome to join at anytime. (Cherry, n.d.). It is best for a person with a substance condition to join a group immediately after being discharged from treatment. Since people are discharged from treatment centers everyday, this will be an open group. Also, having members of the group that are in different stages of recovery is a good thing. This allows people that are new in recovery to be exposed to people that have been clean and sober for a longer period of time. This will give them hope. (Cherry, n.d.) Members of the group will also be referred by transitional sober living facilities.