I am still amazed, after years of recovering, at how easily I can begin to talk myself out of attending meetings. I am also still amazed at how good I feel when I go.



We don’t have to stay stuck in our misery and discomfort. An immediate option is available that will help us feel better: go to a meeting, a Twelve Step support group.


Why resist what can help us feel better? Why sit in our obsession or depression when attending a meeting – even if that means an extra meeting – would help us feel better?


Too busy?


There are 168 hours in each week. Taking 1 or 2 hours a week for a meeting can maximize the potential of the remaining 166 hours. If we get into our “codependent stuff,” we can easily spend a majority of our waking hours obsessing, sitting and doing nothing, lying in bed and feeling depressed, or chasing after other people’s needs. Not taking those 2 hours for a meeting can cause us to waste the remaining hours.


Too tired?


There is nothing as invigorating as getting back on track. Going to a meeting can accomplish that.


Today, I will remember that going to meetings helps.


I always feel better after I go to a 12-step meeting. When I don’t want to go to a 12-step meeting, that means I should probably go to a meeting. For example, I got into an argument with my girlfriend the other day and she ended up storming out of my house. The thoughts in my head tell me that it’s all her fault. I think that she is being ridiculous and how dare her! Left to my own devices, I will continue to think it is all her fault. However, I went to a meeting and heard exactly what I needed to hear. I realized that the things I said were totally out of line and that I was being totally selfish and self-centered. She was not doing what I wanted her to do. Therefore, I started picking at her and making her feel bad. This was old behavior for me. I ended up feeling bad all day long the next day. I felt bad because my side of the street was not clean. Going to a meeting helped me realize my part and it helped me realize that I owed her an amends. I made an amends to her, and felt a lot better afterwards. I always hear what I need to hear when I go to a meeting.